Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Rabbi Moshe Rosenberg
 Congregation Etz Chaim of Kew Gardens Hills, SAR Academy

Thank you for being the only place in the world where the same man - Rabbi Michael Hecht - could be my formative Rebbi in High School and my Constitutional Law professor in college. 
P.S. He also found me my shteller. He taught my brother before me and my son after me.

Thank you for Rabbi Mordechai Willig who ALWAYS answers the phone.

Thank you for the moments of bliss in Rav Schachter's shiur when I wouldn't have traded places with anyone on the face of the earth.

Thank you for teaching me in High School that Torah is not just a class.

Thank you for the experience of watching Rabbi Yitzchok Cohen daven Maariv.

Thank you for validating my struggles to internalize the idea of Torah UMadda and providing role models like Rav Aharon Lichtenstein.

Thank you for fostering my love of Seforim through a sale that morphed over the years from order-by-mail to a muti-million dollar month-long event.

Thank you for the Sunday night $1.95 chicken wing special at the Caf and for Mr. Parker's mantra: "Boys, put back de trays!"

Thank you for Paul Connolly who epitomized devotion to students and to the craft of writing.

Thank you for David Fleischer whose virtuosity in English literature was humbling.

Thank you for the Beis Medrash and the memory of Rabbi Israel Miller walking between its tables late late at night.

Thank you for my parnassa, my profession, my calling.


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